
Save time, ship faster and rank higher on Google.

Ship with SupaSaaS and dominate your competition in the search results. Our built-in SEO features put your SaaS ahead from day one, maximizing visibility and driving more traffic to your site.

The codebase is clean, concise and well-documented making it perfect for beginners to learn from and experts to build upon.

John Doe
Robert Johnson
Jane Smith
Emily Davis
Tyler Durden
6 makers love SupaSaaS

(we have only just launched!)

function SupaSaas(app: Startup, features: Features[]) {
let developmentTime = "weeks";
// Pre-loaded features save you from mind-numbing setup.
// Simply focus on the fun stuff, your business logic!
features.forEach((feature) => feature.timeSaved = "hours");
developmentTime = "days";
return app;
// Avoid the grind of repetitive setup code.
const completedApp = SupaSaas(app);
// Ship faster, make $$$ sooner.
Next.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSZodFramer MotionGitGoogleJavascriptPostgreSQLPrismaReactStripeLemonSqueezyZustandNext.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSZodFramer MotionGitGoogleJavascriptPostgreSQLPrismaReactStripeLemonSqueezyZustandNext.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSZodFramer MotionGitGoogleJavascriptPostgreSQLPrismaReactStripeLemonSqueezyZustand

Why SupaSaaS over other boilerplates?

If you've ever bought boilerplates in the past, you know there's always areas that you end up spending time on that should be done for you. SupaSaaS aims to solve that!

Building with SupaSaas

You don't have to spend ANY time on SEO, but you'll be the best optimized as soon as you launch.

You don't have to figure out how to restrict parts of your SaaS to users on specific plans.

You don't have to spend hours building out a modern, fully mobile responsive SaaS dashboard complete with restricted pages based on user plans.

You don't need to build custom authentication hooks to manage auth state in your app.

You don't need to spend hours finding and trying to implement amazing, modern UI components.

You get to choose from over 1000 themes to make your SaaS look unique.

You find it a breeze when you add a feature for your SaaS, which just works as intended.

You can learn from a codebase that follows NextJs best practices for performance and scalability.

No unnecessary bloatware, add or remove features as you need.

Actively maintained and updated with new features. Last updated today.

Building with other boilerplates

You have to become your own SEO ninja, learning meta tags, opengraph images and rich snippets!

After implementing the basic database, auth and emails etc. you're stuck for hours building out a SaaS dashboard that doesn't quite look how you want it.

You get annoyed when building a simple dashboard turns into requiring auth state management, custom hooks, restricted pages based on user plans and more.

You're not happy with the basic UI components that come with the boilerplate, so you spend hours finding and implementing better ones.

You get frustrated when you can't customize a particular component because it's built with a 3rd party library that you can't modify.

You get mad when you try to make sense of the codebase to start extending it, but then realize it doesn't follow best practices.

You realize far too late into your project that the boilerplate has unnecessary bloatware that is slowing down your app.

You get annoyed when you realize that the boilerplate you bought is no longer maintained and you have to fix bugs or update new implementations yourself.

Time is money, stop burning it.

Stop wasting time on boilerplate code that should be done for you. Save over 49+ hours per project and ship your SaaS in record speed, ready to onboard new users.

4 hrs to set up users, authentication and sign in / sign up pages and logic

6 hrs to set up payments, subscription plans and webhooks

3 hrs to set up a database, user/subscription models and relationships

6 hrs figuring out how to become an expert on programmatic SEO

8 hrs designing landing pages, waitlist pages and UI components

4 hrs making sure everything is responsive

3 hrs to set up transactional emails and newsletter signups

2 hrs figuring out DNS records to avoid ending up in spam

3 hrs reading stackoverflow on blog setup best practices

2 hrs building protected pages and API routes

8 hrs integrating analytics, tracking, customer support, feedback and more

∞ hrs overthinking

= 49+ hrs of debugging and headaches

All the core features you need, with your favourite providers.

How can you build like you're the master of the matrix? Simply plug and play all the boring (but necessary) bullshit that you need and get on with feature building!





User Auth




Next.js SEO

Next.js SEO

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS



Lucide Icons

Lucide Icons







Markdown MDX

Markdown MDX






And lots more...

Turn Google into a fan and reel in new users to your SaaS.

What's the most important thing for your SaaS? Getting discovered! There's no better traffic than free organic traffic. We've got you covered.

dynamic opengraph images

Meta Titles, Descriptions & Keywords.

Automatically server-side generate meta titles and descriptions for your pages.
dynamic opengraph images

On Page SEO

Each component is designed to follow best practices for on-page SEO.
dynamic opengraph images

Sitemap Generation

Automatically generate a sitemap for your website, ready to submit to Google for indexing.
dynamic opengraph images
dynamic opengraph images
dynamic opengraph images

Dynamic Opengraph Images

Automatically generate opengraph images for your pages and blog posts.

Structured Data & Rich Snippets

We've provided FAQ schema to get your content featured in rich snippets on Google.

Instantly turbocharge your app,ship faster and start earning.

SupaSaas takes care of all the boring, but necessary, features you need to build your app. Avoid the mind-numbing pain of repetitive set up and focus on your business logic.


Get started with a fully functional app dashboard that comes with user authentication, billing, a database and subscription plan based protected routes.

Responsive admin dashboard
Sign in & sign up pages
Conditional rendering of components based on user subscription
Protected routes based on subscription status
Protected routes based on plan properties (e.g. MAX_SCREENSHOTS=0)
Protected API calls based on subscription status
Upgrade subscription upsell components
Customer billing portal
Just clone the repo and add your business logic!
Time Saved: 12 hours

Pre-Built Modern Landing Pages

Save time and ship faster with pre-built landing pages. Focus on the fun stuff, your business logic!

Beautiful and modern design

Mobile first design and fully responsive

Follows technical best practices for SEO


4 Different Waitlist Pages

Not quite ready to launch your product? No problem! We have 4 different waitlist pages to choose from.

Animated components for increased engagement

Backend form validation with Zod

Form submission with NextJs server actions

Hero image

Hey, it's Ant 👋

I've been building things on the internet for well over 15 years and I've generated over $10m+ in sales across e-commerce, app and web dev work.

I've started and finished ALOT of projects!

I felt like I was starting to dread taking on new projects, since I would have to spend so much time setting up all of the boring (but necessary) bullshit over and over again.

So I built a template for me to use which had all of my favourite stuff pre-configured and ready to go.

All I have to do is clone the repo, configure some project settings and environment variables, and I'm ready to start diving into the fun stuff; business logic!

Now you can take advantage of my experience and get a head start on your projects too!

How can SupaSaaS help you?

  • 1. Less Anxious about starting new projects doing the boring stuff.
  • 2. Save Time and focus on on the fun stuff, building your app!
  • 3. Ship Faster with lightning speed, before your competiton does.
  • 4. Get Profitable much faster by being able to ship faster.

Ship faster and get profitable by saving hours of dev time!

$100 off for the next 100 customers. 94 left

Most Popular

SupaSaas Starter

Everything you need to get your NextJs project up and running in no time.


  • User Auth (Social Login, Magic Link)
  • Database Integration (Prisma, Postgres, Supabase)
  • Database Models & Relationships Set Up
  • Landing Pages
  • Waitlist Pages
  • Transactional Emails
  • Stripe Checkout & Webhook
  • LemonSqueezy Checkout & Webhook
  • Custom Blog Integration
  • Functional App Dashboard
  • Protected App Pages
  • Protected API Routes
  • Affiliate Program Page
  • SEO Optimized (Next SEO)
  • Analytics (Pirsch)
  • Customer Support (Crisp)
  • User Feedback (Canny)
  • Tracking Pixels (Facebook, Google Tag Manager)
  • Features by Request
  • Discord Community (coming soon)
  • Lifetime Updates
    Last updated today

Lifetime access. Pay once, ship forever.


SupaSaas with AI

Everything you need to get your NextJs project up and running in no time.


  • Everything In Standard
  • OpenAI GPT-4 Integration
  • LangChain Integration
  • Pinecone Integration
  • HuggingFace Integration
  • Anthropic Integration
  • Replicate Integration
  • 4 Example AI Apps
  • Features by Request
  • Discord Community (coming soon)
  • Lifetime Updates

Lifetime access. Pay once, ship forever.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about SupaSaas.Still have questions? Contact me on Twitter or by email.

Ship Before Your Competition Does

Avoid the mind-numbing pain of setup and get straight to the fun part!